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May 1/5 2025 - Nature Temple

Ceremonial Leadership Training

We warmly invite you to embark on a transformative journey of personal growth and community service through our upcoming Ceremonial Leadership Training. This immersive program is designed for those called to guide and hold space for deep healing and exploration within sacred psychedelic ceremonial settings.


Date: May 1/5 2025
Location: Nature Temple, Psychedelic Retreat Centre, Netherlands


In this training, you will:

  • Deepen Your Understanding: Explore the history, cultural significance, and ethical frameworks surrounding the use of psychedelics in ceremonial contexts.

  • Develop Leadership Skills: Learn the art of creating and facilitating safe, supportive, and transformative psychedelic ceremonies.

  • Enhance Your Practice: Engage in hands-on exercises, 2 guided magic mushroom journeys and other a few other types of ceremonies (withhout the use of psychedelics) and personal reflection to strengthen your capacity as a ceremonial leader.

  • Join a Community: Connect with like-minded individuals committed to the path of conscious leadership and spiritual growth.


Whether you are an experienced facilitator or new to this path, this training offers a rare opportunity to deepen your wisdom and expand your ability to serve others in meaningful ways. When you've already followed a theoretically training to become a psychedelic facilitator, this 5 day training is a nice addition to what you have already learned. This training will also have an in-depth effect if you have been involved in the (small-scale) organization of ceremonial retreats for some time.



Learn first-hand from our practical experience

With 20+ years of experience, our team of seasoned facilitators brings a wealth of real-world experience in guiding psychedelic ceremonies across diverse cultural and spiritual contexts. Throughout the training, you'll have the unique opportunity to learn directly from our lived experiences—gaining practical insights into the challenges and rewards of ceremonial leadership. We'll share invaluable lessons from our journeys, offer personal anecdotes, and demonstrate the skills that have been honed through years of dedicated practice. This hands-on learning approach ensures that you leave the training not only with theoretical knowledge but also with the confidence and competence to lead your own ceremonies one day with integrity and care.



What does this training not offer?

  • This training does not offer the usual theoretical learning objectives that you see in all common (online) training courses for psychedelic facilitator.

  • After following this training, no diploma or similar will be awarded, nor do we want to pretend that in 5 days you have learned everything that is needed to work responsibly and authentically. . This training is intended as an addition to your already existing interest/path/study.

  • We don't work from books. Afterwards, you will take home a lot of experience, notes, answered questions, inspiring examples and interesting conversations.



How to Apply?

Please click here to submit your application and show your interest in this unique training. Spaces are limited to ensure an intimate and focused learning environment. We will send you updates about program and pricing.


We look forward to journeying with you.




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